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Premier Provider of Innovative Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting & Water Treatment Solutions since 1987
Premier Provider of Innovative Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting & Water Treatment Solutions since 1987

Index Polishing Filter


The IPF solids unit utilizes inexpensive fabric
media to filter out solids. Filter fabric, which
is supplied in 5, 20, and 50 micron sizes,
is automatically indexed onto a recessed
conveyor belt constructed of a high tensile,
non-corrosive material. As water and solid
particles drain through the filter fabric,
solids are retained. As the water level rises,
a float will actuate a drive motor and the
conveyer belt will index the spent paper
and new paper replace it. The IPF can be
applied for pre-treatment, post treatment,
or as a stand alone treatment system.

Product Sheet